Thursday, December 30, 2010

How Much Is Jon Cryer Paid?

Say goodbye

Alla fine giunge al termine anche il 2010.

E' stato un anno ricco di avvenimenti importanti, belli e brutti, e purtroppo per me si chiude all'insegna del dolore per l'addio a una persona cara.

E' mancata in questi giorni la mia adorata zia.

Era una persona semplice e umile, nella vita ha vissuto dei grandi dispiaceri, ha perso suo fratello e le sue sorelle in giovane età, ha convissuto per decenni con la malattia che affliggeva una sua figlia, che è mancata lo scorso anno..

Una sequenza di lutti così importanti avrebbe fatto impazzire chiunque, ma lei aveva la fortuna to have a great faith that helped her to go ahead and look at life with hope.

He gave me so much love and affection and I hope I have reciprocated in equal measure.

Love is the only thing that never ends.

She's always been the historical memory of my family (he was the oldest of all the brothers) and taught me to know and appreciate my roots .. is because of her feeling so strong attachment to the past and tradition.

I never taught that we must resign ourselves to despair, but can and must always find the strength and courage to move forward.

I can not think that our lives can no longer meet and that's why if I have to say goodbye now, the desperate desire of my heart that is both a goodbye and that one day I do not know where or when, I'll tell you again, hello.

My aunt had a poetic soul.
preferred to write poetry in the language of his childhood, the dialect of rural culture in which his and sink my roots.
Ma ne ha scritte anche molte in lingua italiana.
La sua poesia si addentra nei ricordi, è ricca di nostalgia e malinconia.
Mi sembra bello condividerne una con voi.

Il silenzio
spazia l'universo
nella sua immensità.
Nel silenzio
l'anima si accosta
e gode piacevoli
ogni fatica
e l'uomo
la vita
nella sua bellezza
nella sua intensità.
Nel silenzio
che lasciano
allo spirito.
Il silenzio...

year for me no end of year festivities, but a wish for peace and hope for the future I do to myself and to all of you, my dear friends.
I assure you that the comments and let me read your blog for me are a balm for the soul, a way to leave for a while 'the ugliness of the world and take a daily dip in the beauty.
Happy 2011!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Congratulations Message Engagement

festive festoon

You thought I forgot to post photos of my famous festoon tickets??
Well NO! Here it is in all its joy and its color.
puts in a good mood just looking at him, then if I think of the warm greetings that there are written in, well, I'm in seventh heaven!

But let's start with order.
bilglietti I show you all one by one because they really deserve.
I really like all, all different and unique:
refined by Germany, the ticket Frau Schmitt

fragrant to Silvia

winter and festive to lisa-d

made entirely by hand and customized to Silvia

Victorian to Among

originally british ones Jo (I have sent well 3)

cheerful to Diana

and finally those from various friends around the world ..

Voila, the banner is done!

Grazie di cuore amiche mie per aver contribuito alla realizzazione del mio desiderio!
You are the best!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Free Kates Playground New

Restyling Christmas and best wishes

E finalmente è vacanza! Una pausa ci voleva proprio. Peccato che questa mattina mi sia svegliata con un bel mal di testa. Pazienza, passerà. In questi giorni di pausa dal lavoro ne approfitterò per curare un po' la mia casetta che ho trascurato parecchio negli ultimi mesi.
Come prima cosa ho dato una bella pulita alla piattaia e ne ho approfittato per cambiare un po' il suo aspetto e vestirla a festa.
Guardate che bella questa lanternina rossa..l'amica di Anna è andata ai mercatini di Natale a Bolzano (Marina, ne sai qualcosa?? Beata tu che ci puoi andare quando vuoi..) e l'ha comprata per lei..buon gusto la ragazza, vero?

Ed ecco la piattaia che scintilla alla luce delle stelline che ho spostato dallo specchio e messo qua.
Là non mi piacevano, facevano troppo effetto "Hollywood".

some detail.
The candles will light the Christmas.

And this is the big picture.
I took the dishes before I use green for Christmas lunch and I made these for a while '.

A bit 'of pine cones I had at home, and a nice candelona a staple here and ready for a nice centerpiece, simple as I like it.

Tomorrow I'll be a little 'grip, then I take the post today to wish you.

who loves
sleep but wakes
always in a good mood
to who greets
still with a kiss, a
who works hard and has fun with
more a chi va in fretta in auto ma
non suona ai semafori, a chi arriva
in ritardo ma non cerca scuse, a chi spegne
la televisione per fare due chiacchiere, a chi è
felice il doppio quando fa a metà, a chi si alza presto
per aiutare un amico, a chi ha l'entusiasmo di un bambino
e pensieri da uomo, a chi vede nero solo quando è buio
A chi non aspetta Natale
per essere
a tutte voi
my friends
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Mouth Sore After Vomiting

Simply Christmas cakes and cold

Christmas is on our doors now.
For those who have not entered view, the atmosphere and spirit of this festival that I personally love it so much, some ideas super simple to make, but very elegant or funny. Just a small decoration
nell'angolino of belief or on a shelf, on the handrail of the stairs or on a shelf in the kitchen and you're done.
Invitation to excess.
Simplicity first.
At least I think so ...

Domani è l'ultimo giorno di scuola e poi è vacanzaaaaa!!!
Vi posterò le mie ultime decorazioni..
A prestissimo ;)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Harry Potter Stephen Fry Audiobook

Brrrrr..ragaaaazze che freddo!!
Quando raging outside elements (in this case the ice), measures are urgently required .. That
turn up to: # 1
the stove in the living room (which is going at full speed)
the oven in the kitchen ..
What better to warm the environment and bake a nice cake and let the scent spilling all over the house?
Today is the day of the cake from my favorite girls:
the cake with ricotta, chocolate and macaroons ...
What a delight!
Please, do your thing, there's something for everyone!
Then I prepare coffee, tea or hot chocolate (of course with the cream, or else the pleasure is halved!) ..
-come first?

Hugs "ice cream" but loving you all and good weekend!

(the photo was taken by Anna in the garden)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where To Buy Steel Seal


Despite all my favorite colors for the house at this time are the red and white, I can always capture the recall of hyacinths.
When I bought them I did not know what color they were.
I like surprises. And they
I have been satisfied: one pink and one blue. The perfume is then
priceless ..

Thanks to all the girls that I have been sending Christmas cards.
soon reach all the famous banner and prepare somes photos ..
will see how wonderful!