Thursday, March 10, 2011

Why My Sucker Fish Always Dies

Advance party and awards started

By now he understood that on occasion I can not resist. And this time I can blame it on you;)
daaaaa Ta ..
is the bunting hung over and a long before the party!
What do you think? Is not it as one of the real ones?
I really think it will stay there for a long time ', in homage to spring.

And then there are other things to celebrate.
Meanwhile I realized now have over 200 supporters. Maybe for someone
are trifles, but to me it is a real milestone. Basically nothing and no one has pushed these people to click on "follow" if not their desire to do so and to follow what I have to say and show. Of this I am happy and you know you are all always welcome!
And, last but not least , I have been awarded two prizes to two fantastic girls.
The first is Laura Receive with Style, which will surely already know for its good taste and his liking. Thanks Laura!
The second is from a friend recently, but no less dear. Jane is a girl "real" with whom I share many things (from the name). His blog, Laboratory Aunt Polly, was born recently, but if you want to admire the work of a vera creativa passate a trovarla. Grazie 1000 anche a te Paola!

A questo punto vi risparmio le solite 10 cose su di me e passo ad assegnare i premi ad altre blogger. Per questa volta ho pensato di darli alle ultime mie sostenitrici che mi hanno consentito di varcare la soglia del 200 (e che oltretutto hanno dei blog che ho appena scoperto e sono davvero molto carini). Offro entrambi i premi alle seguenti ragazze, che possono decidere se ritirarli entrambi, uno solo o nessuno..
Daniela di L'angolo prezioso

Alla prossima ragazze!


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