Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monica Roccaforte In The Field

The 51st entry and a premium

This morning, the day did not start in the best way.
As soon as I raised my head from the pillow the room she started to swirl like I'm on a spinning top gone crazy .. and yes, age looms and my poor neck is felt, complicit in the humid climate and stress that .. disaster! I'm stuck here and I can barely move my head ..
To complete the picture in the usual sorbed beauty I call rude and arrogant by the school staff with whom, unfortunately, it must have something to do in this case .. but a bit 'of kindness and understanding where have they gone?
Finalmente sono riuscita a prendere in mano il pc, immettermi in rete e dare un'occhiatina al mio blog per vedere se c'erano novità.
E cosa trovo? Una bellissima sorpresa! La mia amica Gilda mi ha fatto omaggio del Premio Simpatia! Il mio morale ha avuto immediatamente un'impennata, proprio quello che mi ci voleva ;) Grazie Gilda!

Chi riceve il premio deve fare tre cose:
1. postarlo sul proprio blog
2. raccontare di "quel giorno che.."
3. individuare altre/i blogger a cui inviarlo

Facciamo le cose per gradi..
1. postare il premio: l'ho fatto
2: ora devo raccontare i quel giorno che..cosa????

Aspettando l'ispirazione giusta ho navigato un po' qua e là e qualcosa ha colpito il mio occhio:

50 modi per far fronte allo stress ..
giusto quello che fa per me! Leggete un po' e ditemi se non concordate su tutto!

Io però aggiungerei la 51esima voce:
"leggete i vosti blog preferiti ogni giorno"

Basta poco: se avete un pc e una connessione ad internet il gioco è fatto.

Una volta per tirarmi su il morale mi bastava una bella telefonata alle mie amiche.

Ma adesso queste amiche sono a loro volta mamme e lavoratrici, quindi la chiacchierata la si fa, able, in a tight 10 minutes after dinner and just before you put the kids to bed .. we want more!

But the beauty about a year and a half ago I made the great discovery.
I can finally go to step 2: ".. that day I discovered the existence of the blog world!"
was a day in August than afosissime. Anna was somewhere with her friends and Emma in the garden to play in the paddling pool with his dad.
I was in the throes of desire to see "something good possibly shabby or country."
I got the great idea to type in Google the magic word "Shabby chic interiors and from there it is not difficult to imagine What happened: I was saved before the eyes of none other than the blog of the legendary Sarah:)
Need I continue? I think not. Sarah's blog, I never abandoned (how could I? E 'was absolutely one of my favorites) and from there I opened a new world of wonders, of which the best one was to have known you , dear friends.

This virtual world has become my personal nest, no matter how tired or stressed I am, I just put myself on the couch, turn on your PC and enter this place always nice, friendly and full of everything and smpatia scales, I find people like me to a chair appassona worm-eaten and scraped or un'angolino floral and serene back:)

You are so many that I should send the Sympathy Prize, but for today I will work a choice:
the prize goes, for various reasons, but above all for the sympathy shown to me:
1) Sarah Shabbychicinteriors (obviously, I think, otherwise I would not be here talking about it!)
2) Diana Apple pie
4) Carmen Isolacountry
6) Silvia's home Silvia In
8) Louise Love and lilac
A "word" particular to my dear friend Marina, but has just updated the blog ..
also Item 3.
you soon!


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